We are aware of an unauthorized whatsapp number being added to our Google bussiness profil. 

Any communication originating from a different WA number claiming to represent our bussiness is unauthorized and any other bank account details are fraudulent. 

The management will not be held responsible for any misinformation or fraudulent activities arising from such unauthorized communication. 

For your convenience and security, all transaction must be done by below bank account and whatsapp number : 

Taman Nongsa Indah Village 
Whatsapp number          : +62 812-6882-9427
Beneficiary Name           : PT. TAMAN NONGSA INDAH VILLAGE 
Beneficiary Account        : 1090003761111 (IDR Account)
Beneficiary Bank             : Mandiri
Swift Code                       : BMRIIDJA

Thank you for helping us to esnure a secure and enjoyable experience for all our guest.